That's the sort of thing I was hoping to emulate, there are a couple of people offering a 10/20 dollar keypad with some assigned keys and wondered if the 590 dollars being asked in this case, or 349 dollars here Great link, which goes some of the way, however I'm was hoping to be able to move the ALL 'sliders' in the Dev module individually to make adjustments to images, rather than reassigning shortcuts for the menu options.
Thanks for the pointer though and all the best of the season to you and your family. I would also like to be able to increase the Saturation of a specific colour from the keyboard, rather than using the slider. Or toggling between the contrast slider and the fill light for example. Thanks, however the shortcut keys don't work for all the possible options like increasing the 'exposure' when using the adjustment brush. Press command-/ to see the shortcut keys for every module LR is also limited as to what will respond to the keyboard, hence my desire to use another program to call the action.
I know that I can use the +/- keys and the 'carrot' keys/angled brackets to work through the basic module, however I would like to assign keys to perform certain actions, rather than scroll through the 'menu' back and forth. Does anybody know how to configure Mac OS 10.5.x to use hot keys to perform Dev module actions, either using the OS or free/donation ware.